To view an example of job spooling across multiple queues ( assuming you created the second job spool queue device), run the following "for" loop to submit ten ( 10) jobs to the "bsh" job queue. 为了演示跨多个队列的作业假脱机(假设已经创建了第二个作业假脱机队列设备),运行下面的“for”循环,向“bsh”作业队列提交10个作业。
Notice that multiple jobs are in the RUNNING status and as each job completes, a QUEUED job is moved to the job spool device queue and executed. 注意,有多个作业处于RUNNING状态;每当一个作业完成时,一个QUEUED作业就转移到作业假脱机设备队列中并执行。
The System Usage gives you an overview of the load on the Device including CPU, memory, pending messages in processing queue ( Work List), file/ connection handles and a total load indicator. 系统使用率使您能够大致了解设备上的负载情况,包括CPU、内存、处理队列中处于等待状态的消息(工作列表)、文件/连接句柄以及总负载指示器。
After adding another queue device, an lpstat-W shows multiple queue devices associated with the bsh job queue. 在添加另一个队列设备之后,使用lpstat-W命令显示与bsh作业队列相关联的多个队列设备。
A communication module support multi-device is designed, real-time device dispatch is implemented by token mechanism and dispatch queue; 设计了一种支持多种设备的通讯模块,以令牌机制及调度队列实现了对设备驱动程序的实时调度;
Furthermore, multi-task scheduling is applied in the software implementation of the communication transformation device, which realizes communication among different tasks with message queue. 在软件方面,研究了多任务在通信转换装置软件设计中的应用,各个任务模块的信息传输,以及用消息队列实现多任务之间的通信。
It uses command queue as the buffer of the commands that the upper function module layer send to control the device, the command parser parses the commands taken from the queue and transfers the commands to the command dispatcher, there the lower driver will be called. 以指令队列作为上层功能软件与驱动程序之间的设备操作指令缓冲器,指令解析器对指令队列的指令进行解析并交由指令调度器调度。